RYA Narrowboat Course
RYA Narrowboat Course

International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

The ICC (or to give it its full title International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft) is a certificate which is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in foreign countries. It is sometimes known as the International Certificate of Competence.


As an ICC test centre we can teach you all the skills you need and complete the assessment.


If you intend to travel on the inland waters in Europe a Code Européen des Voies de Navigation Intérieure (CEVNI) is needed.


We can also arrange for this test and all the paperwork to support you application.

The ICC and CEVNI can be a complicated collection of rules many in different languages. If you need advice we are more than happy to help; some regulations are country specific so you must be sure you are aware of local regulations.  An example in the Netherlands ?? you must have the regulations on your vessel in Dutch ( a memory stick copy ).


Practical training and ICC £485 per day.

CEVNI online test £55


The test is carried out on Vessels to meet regulations for ICC under 10m or ICC over 10m


Please call to arrange dates.


Tel: 07425 171821





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